Influencer Consulting

I work with aspiring people who want to influence the world for the better. Who want to spend their days working within their values and won’t settle for anything less.

4 Consulting Programs

Drive Your Influence
For those pursuing the business of selling themselves

Drive Your Podcast
Starting and establishing a viable podcast

Drive Your Idea Startup
Taking an idea or concept from a blank page to a viable framework

Balance & Align Your Drive
When your life & work is out of balance. Avoiding burnout

Kevin, speaking at a Ziglar summit in 2023.

Joining My Network
Working with me includes developing a relationship together and remaining connected long-term. It’s joining my personal network and the networks of those I work with. I expect and intend to develop a friendship and walk together for years to come. 

Sharing You On My Podcast
When appropriate, and with your agreement, I’d like to share your journey and your ultimate offering on my podcast. Three reasons, 1) It helps inspire others to go after their own influence, 2) it provides public accountability (and thus credibility) to me, and 3) it gives you *exposure.

All programs include these benefits. 

“Life Coaching”
The only way to guide you well in any of the areas below, is to know and understand you. Anything you do professionally is driven by what you value personally. I’m sensitive to the label of “Life Coaching? because nobody can specialize in all areas of life. I offer the guidance of aligning your life in the following areas so you are driving on the solid ground of your values:

  • Work

  • Health & Wellness

  • Spirituality

  • The Mind

  • Money

  • Relationships

  • Personal Interests

No Risk to Apply
If any of the options below look to be a fit for you, hit the Inquire Now button and I’ll respond personally with some questions to see if this looks like a good collaboration for us. At the least we get to meet each other!

*Regarding Exposure - I am sensitive to expectations and do not want anyone working with me if their primary hope is that I will promote them and give them an instant audience. Make your investment based solely on the value I offer you aside from any exposure. That said, I really enjoy promoting great offerings and connecting people who will benefit each other. I have reach with my podcast and a golden Rolodex of all the guests on my show. Where and when appropriate I am honored to leverage my world to help you and your business.


60 Days

Drive Your Influence

Inquire now and I’ll respond personally.

This is for Leaders of Groups & Audiences who want to extend and deepen their reach.

Including but not limited to:

Coaches & Consultants
Fitness & Wellness Experts
Teachers & Guides

This is for those who want to fully establish themselves as influencers and personalities. It is for those who want to guide, teach, and lead others and the primary product is YOURSELF.

This is the business model I know and love best, and it’s not for the faint of heart. There is massive opportunity, as the world is in high demand for people to guide them.

The secret sauce is understanding your heart and message for people must be well crafted and at the forefront of it all, you must share yourself in a way that attracts people to you.

They must desire to align and associate with you and know exactly what you’re about. We need to make this shine through loud and clear. I’m here to help you create a winning framework to launch and/or further establish yourself.

Most people with great proficiency in these areas lack the understanding and know-how to stand out in the crowd and create a viable business. Yet this is the only business model I truly know and have known since I was a child growing up in the home of an influencer and personality - Dan Miller of “48 Days To The Work and Life You Love” fame.

I helped him get his first book deal and his second that eclipsed a quarter of a million dollars in an advance. I was Dave Ramsey’s 2nd employee (after my wife!) and I joined Ziglar, Inc. to help continue the influence of Zig Ziglar after he passed away.

I then created a podcast and my own personality which has garnered 70 million downloads and sold my very first book, What Drives You, to McGraw Hill, one of the “Big 3” educational publishers.

Let’s develop and expand your influence.


60 Days

Drive Your Podcast

Inquire now and I’ll respond personally.

This is for those who want to start a podcast. I’ll only take you on if I feel you and your topic have a viable opportunity. Podcasting has incredible opportunities available, yet it is increasingly competitive to break into the market.

I’ve been podcasting for a decade and am highly opinionated about what will and won’t work. I consult many of my high-profile guests on starting and growing their podcasts.

What We’ll Cover


What is the end result you desire?


How does this fit into your current life and work?


What is the focal point?


What sets you and your show apart?


What style, length, frequency?


The production has never been simpler. You can do it yourself or have a turn-key, hands-off approach that is incredibly affordable.

Monetizing, Advertising, Sponsorships, Networks

We’ll cover it all.


60 - 90+ Days
$3,000 - $5,000

Drive Your Idea Startup

*Establishing viability of a business is one step and creating an actual framework for the business is a few steps more. We’ll discuss your intent and the possibility of stair stepping your investment.

A primary focal point is,

How could this be possible?

How could it work for your life and how could it succeed in the marketplace?

I only engage with select people where I:

  1. Resonate with the person

  2. Understand the product, service, and industry

  3. My sweet spot is again, influencers

Starting new initiatives is one of the most thrilling endeavors of life. Finishing is good and needed as well! I’ve started over 1,000 competitive athletic events in my life and I would not have become a pro athlete without finishing many of them well.

I’ve started 19 businesses and made it to that first dollar. But it’s the start I’m most passionate about. Taking an idea and a concept and a blank piece of paper and figuring out how it could be possible and viable…bringing it to life and launching it. Thrilling.

This is my happy place and I adore joining others to help them start something worthwhile for their lives and the lives of those they will serve.

A common testimony I’ve received from over 1,000 people I’ve helped start business initiatives, is I “help remove the real and perceived obstacles”, personally and in their business pursuits.

Balance & Align Your Drive

Avoiding Burnout


30 Days

Inquire now and I’ll respond personally.

This is for those who want to find harmony and cohesion in their personal and professional lives. I find many aspiring and successful people have a healthy level of frustration regarding dissatisfaction in certain areas of their lives.

When you are having good success in some areas of life, but not others, it is frustrating, can cause guilt, and ultimately will lead to burnout, settling for less or abandonment.

My book, What Drives You, utilizes the Ziglar Wheel of Life. Zig was famous for stating that if an area of our life is out of balance, we are thumping along and a toll is taken on us.

I understand this acutely and it is an ongoing journey for all of us as life happens and we struggle in areas of our lives.

We’ll walk together to audit “What Drives You” personally and how it’s playing out professionally and take action toward the acute areas of your life.

The goal is to have you inspired and hopeful and progressing, every day, in your life and business.


Each week we drop a Blog post that you can receive in your inbox as an email.

Check out our latest discussions around the What Drives You podcast episodes and read Kevin’s latest thoughts on helping you drive further, and enjoy the ride.


Hire Kevin to Speak


What Drives You

What Drives You with Kevin Miller
