Peak Potential Guide
Direction, Alignment & Next Steps
For Values-Driven Achievers
"Our achievements, accomplishments, and goals are vitally important, as they ignite our innate drive and give us direction. They are the scenic overlooks and pit stops for resources along the way. But they are never final destinations.
We continue on, every day, in our journey of growth and expansion. The glory is finding true fulfillment without getting lost along the way or arriving at the wrong destination, or getting out of alignment and breaking down on the side of the road. Let’s drive together to make every day satisfying."
~ Kevin Miller ~
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36
I guide people who desire the following:
Grow. Expand. Progress. Improve.
Avoid Burnout & Anxiety & Collateral Damage
Find Your Next Great Opportunity
Enjoy The Drive As Much As The Destinations
Achieve Fulfillment, Not Just Trophies
Don't Want To Settle For Less Than They Are Capable
Many of my clients are entrepreneurs and/or people seeking to positively influence others. But if you feel resonance with me, by all means, please inquire. If I’m not the right fit, I’ll have someone to refer you to.
Kevin, summiting Father Dwyer Peak in Colorado, USA.
Destination Based
Some clients hire me to reach a certain destination. They have a specific objective in mind and want guidance to get there efficiently and effectively while considering how it fits into their life overall. We often work together intentionally for 60-90 days, and once we work together, I’m used to staying connected for life.
Ongoing Journey
Other clients want me with them for not just a destination, but also the ongoing journey. To keep life in alignment so they aren’t taken out by what they don’t see or perceive. This can last for months or years
I’m not cheap. Most, if not all of my clients, have me as a business expense and a viable tax write-off. But I’m also sensitive to pricing myself out of reach for people I resonate well with. Sometimes I’ll offer a package/destination price, and sometimes a monthly fee that fits the need.
Contact me here. Tell me about you. I’ll respond and we’ll get acquainted and see what is possible.

My clients often refer to me as their “Performance Coach,” “Executive Coach,” “Counselor” and I’ve even been called “my Sherpa.” I appreciate the sentiment, but I won’t be carrying your gear.
Whatever term you like for your boss, CPA or spouse is fine. But I call myself a guide purposefully. A guide has gone where you’re going (don’t hire one who hasn’t!). They’ve learned through trial and error and can now help you get where you want to go with a much higher chance of success and far less danger of mishap.
I find my greatest inspiration and joy in growing. In evolving. I’ve been privileged to live a driven life and I don’t know what it’s like to wake up without excitement, anticipation, and inspiration. I want everyone to have this. I wrote my book, “What Drives You,” with my kids in mind, as what I most desired as their father was for them to know what they want and go after it. But I also wrote it because I’ve experienced the dark side of drive.
I spent much of my life driving fast, drunk on the adrenaline and trying to escape my own demons I was blind to. It took me experiencing burnout and trauma in multiple areas of my life to show me that unbridled and blind drive can cause a lot of damage. I don’t want this for anyone.
So I speak as one who has stood on the podium of victory and I can guide you there, but also as one who has created my own prison and suffering and endured the agony of defeat. I’m driven to help people find more of the former and less of the latter. This is what a guide does. They show the most efficient, inspiring path and safeguard against the dangers along the way.
My guidance is holistic and takes into account the following areas:
Health & Wellness
Mental State
Personal Pursuits
These are the seven key areas you’ll find in my book, based on Zig Ziglar’s Wheel Of Life. The areas where we find life fulfillment and areas where I’ve had significant experiences and dramatic highs and lows.
I haven’t experienced everything, but in choosing a guide, these are very relevant areas where I can relate and give guidance:
Pro Cycling Career - 1000+ races, many podiums, and much wasted opportunity
19 Businesses - successes, burnout, and bankruptcy
30-Year Marriage - whirlwind romance, and divorce
9 children & 2 adoptions - the highest glories of parenthood, and kids in hospital, jail, and therapy
Building A Home - dream property and family, and losing it all
Spirituality - Mountain top experiences and security, and deconstructing all I believed in
Health & Wellness - Fit, able, and capable into my 50s, and an accident leaving me unable to dress myself for months
I’ve walked through the following with my family: Cancer & Surprise Death, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, Foster Kids and more
I’m honored to come alongside you and help you go further than I have, with less effort and fewer detours.
Contact me here. Tell me about you. I’ll respond, we’ll get acquainted and see what is possible
Each week we drop a Blog post that you can receive in your inbox as an email.
Check out our latest discussions around the What Drives You podcast episodes and read Kevin’s latest thoughts on helping you drive further, and enjoy the ride.

Hire Kevin to Speak
What Drives You
What Drives You with Kevin Miller