Joel Brown: The Myth Of Superpowered Motives From Your Wounds & How To Fuel Your Drive At A Higher Frequency
Episode 1388
Episode Summary
In this episode I'm unveiling a very common motivator for your drive that I'd not adequately conceptualized before. We all realize that negative feelings can often be a powerful motivator for us. The desire to prove ourselves to the world. But my guest took it a step further and it was an "Ah ha!" Moment for me. Self-development leader Joel Brown cited that even among the top performers he's hired to coach, he finds that many not only have negative motivators driving them, but they are actually afraid to lose them, as they feel, even subconsciously, that it's their superpower. Boom. I think this is huge.
We may be holding on to negative motivators because we've attached out identity to them. Joel Brown is a renowned self-development leader who has inspired 372 million people worldwide with his #1 personal development website, Addicted2Success. Over the last 14 years he's directly impacted over 12,500 lives through hands on training, conferences and retreats. Joel hosts the highly successful Addicted2Success podcast, with over 6.2 Million Plays & Downloads over the past 4 years + over 9 Million plays on his Youtube channel featuring thought leaders such as Tony Robbins, Matthew McConaughey, Simon Sinek, Les Brown and more.
Joel stands apart to me because of his holistic blend of cutting-edge psychological strategies and deep spiritual insights, delving beyond the surface to target the subconscious patterns that often derail us from our path. Joel is also a Jedi of understanding procrastination. He actually has a quick quiz you can take to understand your procrastination type. There are six procrastination types and it really helpful to discover mine and how to better mitigate my propensities. Go to But you'll hear us talk about it in this coming conversation.
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Joel Brown | Addicted2Success
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