Choosing To Exist Differently In The World w/ Talia Fox

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Episode Summary

I have a powerful story of drive for you. One that starts with tears and today is an impressive lists of stats. Let’s start with the impressive list. Talia Fox is a leadership strategist. She holds an M.Ed. in counseling psychology from Howard University and she is a Harvard University Fellow. With her extensive background in psychology and education she assists leaders in developing successful strategies for complex missions, ranging from defense systems to healthcare initiatives.

As CEO of KUSI Global, Inc., Talia helps organizations like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Harvard University, Transunion, the National Institutes of Health, Howard University, and the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs maximize human potential by leveraging strategic intelligence and helps individuals and organizations foster connected cultures and promote conscious equity. Now Talia has a new book titled, The Power of Conscious Connection: 4 Habits To Transform How You Live And Lead. But where we start in our conversation is Talia as a single mom, holding onto her baby and crying in a stairwell in her apartment building. At the end of her rope. And that is where she resolved to not let her circumstances decide her fate and to quit identifying as a lacking and struggling young woman.

Here is what Talia says, “I decided to choose a different way of existing in the world. People can often be completely absorbed by their problems, she said. They don’t jump out of bed, they drag themselves through feeling sad, tired, broken and disappointed. I started asking myself, what does this situation need from me today to be most successful? I became conscious how my choices impacted my outcomes. I became obsessed with human and social behavior and how our identities shape our choices and our lives. I was struck by how the seemingly small choices I made had the biggest impact on my mental well being. Sometimes veering off the well-trodden path of others and choosing a different path can lead to life-altering decisions. This is the story friends. This will be a good ride.


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Talia Fox | The Power of Conscious Connection: 4 Habits To Transform How You Live And Lead.



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