Anna Papalia | How To Nail Any Interview & Sell Yourself By Being Fully You
Episode 1378
Episode Summary
In this episode we give focus to our drive, in our work. Our work is a primary, if not the primary focus of our lives, at least from a daily time and energy devotion. The message here is in relation to the interviewing process, but as you’ll hear, so much of it relates to our lives overall. In any relationship and opportunity there is an aspect of selling yourself and often a struggle between being yourself and feeling you are performing.
I was recently introduced to Anna Papalia who is one of our leading authorities on the new science of interviewing. Now, I’ve been a lifetime entrepreneur who has never technically interviewed for a traditional job, but as I read Anna’s research I was made acutely aware that as an entrepreneur I spend a lot of my time interviewing for opportunities. Selling myself. And to that degree, we all are. Which is why I wanted to bring this conversation to you.
Anna’s research is now culminated in her new book, “Interviewology” where it categorizes all of us in four interview styles - The Charmer, the Challenger, the Examiner, and the Harmonizer. The three keys we discuss are, 1) understand your own style, 2) understand how to fully embrace your style in interviews and be completely authentic when you’re selling yourself, and 3) understand the other styles so you can tap into them when you are being interviewed, or you are interviewing, so you can better connect with the other person and vastly increase your chances of success.
And success may mean helping you realize the job or person is a completely bad fit, which is vital to know! The book again is Interviewology and you can go to to find out what your style is. By the end of this conversation however, you’ll have clarity on what your style is and how to fully utilize it.
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Anna Papalia | “Interviewology”
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